Serious mound of mulch, there.
Perkins, I'd be happy to put your furniture together (I'm like Jesse in deriving satisfaction from the assembling of pre-fab furniture). If only we can solve that geography problem.
Are there decent frozen deep dish pizzas? I have a yen for one.
But you have to water them so much less!
Any child worth his salt is self-mulching.
With five rosebeds and a playard, we need a lot of mulch. Plus it was on sale for much less than buying bulk.
Whenever we've bought it bulk, it comes in a truck--not the handy-dandy bags. Where'd you get it? I'd like to pick up some cheap stuff for my flower beds.
My dad used to sell manure by the truckfull.
Um... that's all I got. A truckfull of manure.
We got it at Home Depot, but it was a memorial day sale. 2 cubic feet bag for $1.66. We priced bulk and it came out about $2.40 per 2 cubic feet.
I'm still reveling in propping up my front stoop with concrete blocks. I need to post some picture, definitely.
Is it just me or does President Bush sound like a whiny asshole who talks like we just don't get it?