I have made a list of what I want to do this weekend. It's doable, but a lot. I think tomorrow will be(in no order):
finish with clothes
neighborhood walking tasks: bank, drycleaning, medicine, cat litter, post office, ask mail places about shipping bike to TX
go to Target
- buy everything Kraft makes
- look for capris (maybe send ita pictures via phone)
- buy plastic storage bins for under bed and yarn
- look at rugs & home accessories
- lime chips
- seasonal sales
go to Easy Spirit
- look for stylish closed toe flats in black, cream, & navy
go to DSW
- look for same shoes PLUS plain sneakers
- get DSW points card fixed
oh, and I thought stacked heel meant pieces of wood stacked on top of another to make the heel (chunky heels, natch), so like you could see lines up the heel. cause I know some heels are made to look like that.
and one more thing before I go to bed. Am I the only one who sees the Wash "Wife soup" quote and thinks, made with real wife?
I am wearing exercise clothes and watching DVDs.
Hooray for Kraft. They treat their retirees pretty well, too. (Plus free cheese!)
I read the "Wife Soup" thing as that relief we males get when we finally get something right with the Significant Lady.
oh, and I thought stacked heel meant pieces of wood stacked on top of another to make the heel (chunky heels, natch), so like you could see lines up the heel.
That is my impression as well.
Hey, is the VS sale in the stores, or just online?
OMG WAIT A SECOND -- Kirsten Cohen is on the Lady Heather episode of CSI!??!?!
Here is the thing. I feel very blocked. I do not remember being particularly offensive. I do recall disagreeing with some people. It is certainly possible I have been boring, or even muddy in my logic. Is that all it takes?
This is the way I feel.
Personally, I tend to forget that we even have blocking except when I try to mark a post and accidentally block people. Which I've done several times and never notice until they post again.
Kirsten Cohen is on the Lady Heather episode of CSI!??!?!
Which Lady Heather episode?
Gus, I think everyone feels blinvisible sometimes -- it's an in/out of sync thing, I think.
Kristen, the one where she's introduced -- Kelly Rowan is the wife of the guy who's the client.
I think I remembered that about that CSI episode. Not that I would have recalled it, but it would have seemed familiar on re-watch.
Gus, I know how you feel.