Quite hypocritical of him to be blasting the Dems into the stratosphere when he voted the same way.
And this surprises you?
The Senate is actually getting....interesting. Not sure what the fallout will be, but I have hopes for a cracking of the lines.
Pizza! Only because I'm craving it.
1. Nap Strong
3. America: Shut Thy Pie Hole
Can't decide which of these I like better. Though the second one should jsut be "Shut Your Pie Hole".
And this surprises you?
Not at all. What does suprise me is the fact that none of the major news outlets are reporting it.
And on further Googling, from Fox News:
Sen. Bill Frist, R-Tenn., voted against the measure only because that gave him the procedural right to force the Senate to vote again on the issue.
I went with the Chinese. mmmm. dumplings.
Oh, ita...
Hee. Send me ten. Pretty ones.
There's actually
Though the last one doesn't count because it's not as much pretty as it is something I think everyone should see.
Whoah. That's ... illuminating.
hee Every now and then, I know how to coin a phrase.
Whoah. That's ... illuminating.
Which one?
JC was just in Gawker Stalker being "very friendly" with some dude. FYI.