You truly should consider whether the universe has seriously considered your current surroundings and is now trying by any means possible to tell you to get out Get OutGETOUT!
We have theatre folk in Minneapolis, L.A., Chicago, and probably a bunch of other places I'm not thinking of, too. IJS.
Word. And a good costumer/stitcher/dresser is always in high demand.
ita-- -you could use the picture of the gay necrophliac duck. It's not a fetish but perverted animals should be enough to freak anyone out.
Goodness, Sophia. Your boss sounds like an asshat.
I remember hearing about the Greensboro Massacre. It took place about 3 years before I moved to Greensboro. I was imagining being surrounded by crazy Klansfolk and the like all through the drive down from MI.
I'm considering some things around here to be "Get out, Get Out, Get Out
"-ish myself. Anyone in WA, BC, or ON want to hook a web developer/English teacher up?
The last Molly Ivins column is quite something, not for Molly Ivins but the person she quotes most of the column:
Senfronia Thompson is flat-out awesome.
Wow. I'd vote for her for anything.
I think I love Rep. Thompson.
She's amazing. The lege, less so.
If you want to make your hateful political statements then that is one thing -- but the Chisum amendment does real harm. It repeals the contracts that many single people have paid thousands of dollars to purchase to obtain medical powers of attorney, powers of attorney, hospital visitation, joint ownership and support agreements. You have lost your way. This is obscene. . . .
Dayum. That's good speech
Why oh why can I not find a torrent for the new Lost? Why? At what point did I offend the gods?
Oh, wait, yeah, all those times I offended the gods. And random passers-by. And that sheep that one time.