It's probably just some idiots from Raleigh burning those crosses, Calli, but that's odd, anyway.
I don't know if you've read about the 1979 Greensboro Massacre. I wrote a paper on it in grad school and talked with several of the survivors. Here's a link to a more credible source: [link] It's an absolutely crazy story: the Greensboro police apparently allowed carloads of Klansmen -- many of whom, including their leader, were FBI snitches -- to open fire on a Communist Workers Party rally, leaving five people dead.
Jesus. Between you and Aimee, I'm getting kind of creeped out myself.
Also, the world can stop picking on Sophia for a little while, 'k?
"at least two or three times per week I have been observed having a non-work conversation for a few moments, and I am the only one who does this"
If you're the only one who does it, who are they seeing you having the conversations with?
The carbon monoxide detector here just started chirping and flashing. I looked at the chart on the back, and chirping means a malfunction, while steady alarm means CO. I plugged it into a different outlet, but opened some windows just in case.
Regarding last night's Alias, I really want to make
"My name's not Michael Vaughn. It's Keyser Soze."
my new tag. But would that be too much of a spoiler?
Sophia, who are you having these conversations with? The wall? How can you be the only one.
Not that it's a rational reprimand, anyway.
Sophia, does your school have a clerical workers union? Are you in it? If so, that would be worth taking up with your union rep.
You should tell them at leasts it keeps you from surfing the 'Net for porn.
Skipping much white font.
I won't get to see the Lost and Alias finales 'til Sunday.
Well, all in the service of getting to see the Firefly preview tonight. So,you know, don't feel sorry for me or anything.
Also -- back spasms -- avoid them if you can.
cxoulcx type fasterb and betterr if my fists weren't angri;lyn being shak3esm aT sophia's workplsace. jackholes!
Can't access FalconCam. Must pay attention to hateful realities.
Boo. Hiss.