Heh, Heather. Hec and I have been watching it for several weeks now, and our usual reaction is this, with a horrified and betrayed look:
I am OUTRAGED that you would betray my trust by lying to me before I had a chance to lie to you first!
And also:
Isn't the boring sister dead yet?
Does that guy get shot every week?
So the Eurotrash discos are, like, the Applebee's of the Eastern European underworld?
I'm going to have to watch this later without commercials.
Mr. H's other is "Well that's not going to turn out well"
I watched Alias from the beginning, the first 2 seasons over a summer and then the last couple years real time. It takes a bit to go with the flow. Don't expect sense making.
Dude! He's going to destroy the world with a Dell!
Unless someone has an Apple powerbook to stop them.
Who's psyched to watch Dancing with the Stars?
Yeah, me neither.
Unless someone has an Apple powerbook to stop them.
Huh. I'm using one of those now. Unfortunately my lazy ass is posting here and not doing the work I brought home nor am I saving the world.