I mean, the rest of the world mightn't (okay, everyone corresponding to you off the internet might), but you die, and another you keeps going. How can you get this unique spark of sentience in that vessel?
If I have all my memories, there's a continuity of consciousness, and I'll still be 'me' in my head.
Of course, cloning tech will have to catch up first, 'cause I don't want to have to get used to a different body.
(It probably doesn't help that the last book I read was Broken Angels.)
Does that mean that my clone would have to shave smooth? Wouldn't be a happy camper if he had my mind.
If I have all my memories, there's a continuity of consciousness, and I'll still be 'me' in my head.
Yes. Both of you would still be 'you' in your heads.
If I have all my memories, there's a continuity of consciousness, and I'll still be 'me' in my head.
There's a forking of consciousnesses, though. You'll still be you in two heads, and there will still be death.
There's a forking of consciousnesses
Ooh. Like Emacs and Xemacs.
Essentially there's now two of you, with the same memories and everything. One of you has to die.
Oh, see I was imagining a situation where my brain is backed up remotely just in case I die, so I can be reloaded into a new body if necessary. Not two conscious versions existing simultaneously. I mean, that'd just be weird.
Well let's say you go to your friendly MyBackup(TM) franchise and get yourself backed up. Then you decide it's a good time to see if you really can jump that canyon on your rocket boosted skateboard and you find out nope, can't do it.
Then an exact duplicate of your body is manufactured with the use of Apple iNano(TM) nanomachines and your neural structure is completely restored from backup. Would you know that you are the backup when you walk out of MyBackup(TM) to see if you really can jump that canyon...
Would you know that you are the backup when you walk out of MyBackup(TM) to see if you really can jump that canyon...
Yes, because there would be a Post-it note stuck to your forehead that says so.
Does that mean that my clone would have to shave smooth?
For you, we'll settle for waxing.
I think I'd clone myself, and then one of us would turn to the dark side. I'd get so much more done in a day....