Colonic to you, mister.
I knew it! I was reading this article and wondering why they were being so arch. Which led me to realise they were dancing around fuckedcompany.com, even before they got to the word "obscene." That must have been fun to not write.
SF detective(turns to partner after spying JZ all cyanotic and 10-7): This is the stuff you hate to see, you know?
Partner: Should I...?
Detective: Yeah...get a tox screen. It's not natural.
Darth Uvula
Darth of the Deathwok Clan
Darth Cheesebutt
Darth "Puffy" Combs
I think I am gonna leave work now and go spend a $25 gift certificate I have. I am all about the retail therapy today, already having done some damage at drugstore.com and chadwicks.
anyone need anything (except ita wanting cute boys)?
Darth "Puffy" Combs
This is making me laugh a lot more than it should.
anyone need anything (except ita wanting cute boys)?
Someone to clean my apartment before Friday.
Darth DJ Spooky
Darth Lasix
Darth Synthroid
Darth Cholamine
Darth Rancidus
Darth You Have Such A Pretty Face, Why Don't You Smile?
Darth Meh