actually, I liked the new starwars movie. best ever, no - but far above the last two. that was one good thing this week. two - whan my boss and I t were talking about why I want to work monday nights - and I said part of the reason was because I was hopeing a break from the after school crowd would make me more paitent- my boss sadi " but you are so good with them now". three- two different customers at the library thought I was a genius yesterday - one of the asked to give me a hug. four We finally went to the local chinese reastarant - the one within walking distance and it was pretyy good. five - i took the cat that hates the vet to the vet, and he was better behaved. and he didn't even try to swat me until he was back in his box ready to go home.
and this weekend we head down to my folks in Sc for a few days - and still have a few days at home without work when we get back.
Can't a girl just be abducted on the basis of her charm and pretty pretty hair?
And pleasant copper scent?
you have always had the wrong manual. good lord. poor messed up head.
I think my version is for those of us with intimacy issues. Some of the rules are different.
you and me? we should plan an LC trip for late Aug/early Sept. we can eat ourselves sick.
Mmmmm... I've got some possible family obligations in the midwest around then, so hold off on the tickets just yet....
Today's APOD photo. Measuring particle sizes in Saturn's rings. Very cool. [link]
Speaking of Tom Cruise and his tut-tutting, it would be fun to see some karmic payback head his way. Possibly something about going on a bender, trashing a hotel room, and waking up in bed with a goat.
I'm from a small town, and therefore have an extreme bias against All-Up-In-Other-People's-Business behavior.
Phil Spector retires the Art Garfunkel prize for Most Unfortunate Honkyfro:
All of the strawberries I've had this year have been fantastic.
Can't a girl just be abducted on the basis of her charm and pretty pretty hair?
And pleasant copper scent?
Right! I need talents in addition to smelling like pennies? Life sure is hard.
What are your plans for the long weekend?
I've got a four-day weekend (the company is making it up to us support staffers who had to work on President's and MLK Days by giving us this Friday and the Friday before Labor Day off), so I'm taking the car into the shop on Friday (and praying it doesn't cost over a grand to get everything fixed), and going to see Crash on Saturday.
Where was your best vacation ever and why was it so freakin awesome?
1982, I was 16, and my mom, sis and I took a 2-week drive to New England. Saw Niagara Falls, drove through the White Mountains in NH, stayed in Bar Harbor for four days and spent a wonderfully foggy day at Quaddy Head State Park (the easternmost point of the US) listening to seals bark just offshore, drove for two days in Nova Scotia, and then did a quickie tour of Boston (which I must go back to for more than an afternoon someday). Very fun!
I missed the dinner for the seniors this year, should I 1)bake them all cookies and frost '05 on them? 2)bake a nice cake for them? 3)bake cupcakes and frost '05 on them? 4)buy them all '05 keychains?
Cupcakes, definitely.
say something happymaking or nice that has happened this week.
Another cute cat week here--she had the crazies on Monday night tearing around the apartment and attacking the legs of her cat condo, and then was Ms. Cuddly last night, beginning with her curling up on top of my book (of course!), and then not leaving my bed all night (which she rarely does).