The woman doing the mini-newsbreak thingy on the radio ended her report a couple of minutes ago with, "and tonight's the finals on American Idol. Who will take home the prize? Will it be Carrie? Will it be Bo? Or will it be my personal favorite, Who Gives a Rat's Ass?" - all in her very professional newscaster voice.
I think I'm in love.
So apparently they're referring to the Congressmen who put together the filibuster deal the "Gang of Fourteen."
We should totally sue.
Ugh. I feel so dirty.
He also seems to imply that her use of drugs (or her lack of adherence to scientology) is
Is she a lapsed Scientologist? Or is he saying that everyone can be a big star if they convert to Scientology?
I don't remember ever hearing that Brooke was a scientologist, so I'm going with option B. I think the last time I heard something about her religion, was back when her mother was putting her in erotic roles, and then touting her virginity (and I think maybe they were, or at least the mother was Catholic).
Ah, yes. The SNL version of Brooke Shields on EL -- "I play a 17-year-old who discovers sex. It's a big departure from my previous roles, in which I played a 15-year-old who discovers sex, and a 12-year-old who discovers sex."
Swiss street display featuring 600 human-sized teddy bears
Can I bring us back to the naughty teddy bears discussion to note that, at a modern art gallery out in Belmont last summer, which was having an outdoor festival, I ran across a 12 foot tall pink teddy bear? I had been talking with my walking companion, and we were climbing the airy staircase to the upper level gallery, and we turn the corner and there is an enormous bear, made entirely out of
braided house insulation.
The pink stuff. I laughed and laughed and laughed.
(It was not wearing any clothes at all.)
What is with this trend -- okay, it's been going on forever, but this recent resurgence -- of people being all up in each other's business? Where does Tom Cruise get off bitching about Brooke Shields's choice of hairstyle, much less her medicine or spirituality or what-all? Does he follow people to the grocery store too, and warn them that cheese is full of cholesterol?
Clearly, there is a tact shortage. I should corner the market on tact and make a huge profit.
so people, I am really bored. I need you to entertain me by posting and therefore giving me stuff to read and pass the time.
To get you started, I offer the following:
What are your plans for the long weekend (if you have to work on Monday - spew about your job/boss/company)?
Where was your best vacation ever and why was it so freakin awesome?
I missed the dinner for the seniors this year, should I 1)bake them all cookies and frost '05 on them? 2)bake a nice cake for them? 3)bake cupcakes and frost '05 on them? 4)buy them all '05 keychains?
and finally,
say something happymaking or nice that has happened this week.
Cruise should go feed Britney vitamins (or Lohan and Richie food), and also maybe get involved in the Jolie/Pitt shenanigans.
On the upside. Brooke's going to benefit from the added attention, so it ain't all bad.
I should corner the market on tact
Tact is down 2.49% today and is in a long-term downtrend dispite some small recent gains.
What are your plans for the long weekend (if you have to work on Monday - spew about your job/boss/company)?
No real plans but rest -- I have Monday off both jobs, so I'll probably die of boredom, but you remind me that I should ask V if she wants to train then.
Where was your best vacation ever and why was it so freakin awesome?
There was one in Morocco with a friend I didn't really like much then. But Morocco was so damned other and not, so friendly and so beautiful, with the nicest people. Totally rocked.
I missed the dinner for the seniors this year, should I 1)bake them all cookies and frost '05 on them? 2)bake a nice cake for them? 3)bake cupcakes and frost '05 on them? 4)buy them all '05 keychains?
Cupcakes. No question.
say something happymaking or nice that has happened this week.
Not only am I teaching my class tonight, but my assistant has called in to say he can't make it, so it's ALL ME. Which is gonna force me to really step up to the plate.
And I will.
Cruise should go feed Britney vitamins (or Lohan and Richie food), and also maybe get involved in the Jolie/Pitt shenanigans.
well, we wouldn't be worrying about Cruise having an affair with her