The Star Wars is Satan's Tool!
In this “Final Episode” of the Star Wars, EVIL triumphs using the Force - a greater force they claim than God! This is a Dangerous LIE! This is no mindless entertainment, but an attempt by DEMONS to distract you from your real 75 year mission on planet Earth, to give yourself to Jesus! Do not trust a Yodah puppet from Satan’s dream factory, trust in the Word of the Bible!
Christians REJOICE! Jesus will lead us in a real star war - between the armies of Heaven and Satan. Believers will “beam” up to the Starship in the sky, and Captain Jesus shall lead a thousand year Federation of Planets before Judgment Day. We are destined to WIN!
Um... I'm fairly certain this is a joke....
"The attack on the Death Star is like sperm trying to impregnate an ovum"
Hufu - an alternative to eating human flesh
Serano Nanito
These native dumplings filled with hufu (or human flesh), sago and yam are prized for their taste as well as their ability to make you fierce and brave in tribal combat.
Leaving. The garage and the property gate are both powered, so I can't get the car out at all, and to get me out I have to jump the fence. Which I used to do, but is tougher holding a baby.
What you do is alert a passerby that you are throwing something, then toss the baby over. Will work like charm!
t scampers
[eta to note cool cool number!]
yucky day. need food. lazy. WAH!
We never had Wear Your Pajamas day at my school.
Do you think I could convince my bosses that we should have one at work?
I wore pajamas to work the whole first week I was back in the office after my back surgery.
Well, yoga pants and a t-shirt, which might as well be pajamas.
yucky day. need food. lazy. WAH!
What she said, though coffee is more needed than food right now.
I may not like people very much, but I am not read to go cannibal.