Heh. Thanks, but no
Damn! How about the 9 y.o.? He's a lot of fun..ohhh I have a better thought. I'll just send you the 9 y.o. and he can keep Owen busy! Yeah, that's the ticket.... on second thought..nahh because the 9 y.o. is the one that gives hugs and kisses. I guess I gotta keep 'em both.
Is Mary-Kate smoking? Not that I should judge, but it just seems so, wrong.
is on NCIS! He's
not dead,
just hiding from
Finally getting around to dinner. Shredded a year's worth of old bills.
Dawn, they're tricky that way.
Wolfram, yes, she is. And she looks like a three year old that has been in her grandmother's closet.
The comments on the thing I linked to (I think) say that the cigarette is photoshopped in, for who knows what reason.
Because the picture didn't look freaky enough?
Is there a worst small town newspaper in the world contest? Because I need to nominate DH's hometown rag. It's really fucking awful. If you stick it out to the end of this article, you'll be rewarded with some of the dumbest sentences in journalism history.
I need to stop reading this paper.
Oh Cashmere. It's nice that they let middle-schoolers write their articles.
Middle-schoolers from the special class...