Sorry you had to work today, David [edit: and ND], but that overtime deal is pretty sweet. I'm usually strongly encouraged to make up overtime in time off rather than in extra pay. Stupid nonprofits.
ION, have you all seen "Poorly-drawn cartoons inspired by actual spam subject lines". Freaking hilarious. A few of my favorites:
Your Managers Don't Have Expertise They Have This.
Did You Know Sprint PCS Did This?
What would you do with your own GPS?
I would probably be one of the last people to go because I'm pretty well cross-trained, and as long as I am willing to answer the phone, I'm indespensible. But, my salary won't be improving any time soon.
And I would feel like a traitor if I left.
thanks, Jesse. I'm glad I have a place like this where I vent the things I don't really want to say out loud.
My sympathies, quester. That's a hard position to be in.
ack ... that's just evil quester. may things improve in someway soon.
and I can tell who doesn't work in the public service side of libraries. Sunday hours are shorter - but either crazy busy with people behaveing like lunatics( I have to type this paper nNOW. sorry, but we are unlikely to have any word processing computers open before 555( we close at 600) ?But I have to do this today. well, would you like me to pull a word processing computer out of my ass?)
Thanks, we're keeping our fingers crossed.
I'm watching The Queen of the Damned. I am really not sure why.
psst. Perkins is under the curse of the Queen of the Damned....
I'm watching The Queen of the Damned. I am really not sure why.
you think unpacking is worse?