they were trying to pass the goat off as lamb, but he figured it was goat because there were all kinds of goats running around but no sheep.
He's such a bright boy.
I'm trying to mostly ignore the slavery talk, because it sets me off very badly (I have a slavery phobia). But I do recall that a recent Prime Suspect and one or two other British cop shows of the same period featured European refugee slavery as a premise.
Yes, I think that
Red Cap
had an episode about it.
Was Orlando on Emma Thompson or Allyson Hannigan
Didn't Allyson Hannigan slaughter all the goats? Wait, no, that was her character.
slaughtered all the goats?
One "l"
Whoops, my bad. And yet, same futon (R.I.P.)
One "l"
Sorry don't mean to confuse you with people who play Bambi killers on TV.
Sorry don't mean to confuse you with people who play Bambi killers on TV.
It makes Vanity Googling so difficult.
cuddles against the ample bosum of the first world
I can't vanity Google. I just get a bunch of authors who aren't me.