eEEK, VW, your street had two fires? That is uneasy-making!
Well, actually the first fire was on Franklin (one street over) a couple of months ago. The one last night was on our street. Two-doors down, as a matter of fact. You know that big dumpster that's out front right now? That's what burned.
Ooh. Ooh. This is exciting!
Scientists discover new type of rodent
In a rare addition to the animal family tree, scientists have discovered a new family of rodent.
It looks like a squirrel, sort of. But you can see rat-like features in its face. And in some ways it more closely resembles the guinea pig or chinchilla.
While new to science, the critter is well known in Southeast Asia. It is called Kha-Nyou by the locals in Laos.
Its discovery was rather unusual.
"It was for sale on a table next to some vegetables. I knew immediately it was something I had never seen before," said Robert Timmins of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).
(How to train your cat to use the toilet)
One of mine trained herself to do it.
This is just such a useful sentence:
For all we know, this could be the last remaining mammal family left to be discovered
No, I am taking vacation days and flying off to NYC.
Doh, I knew that. Have a great trip!
"It was for sale on a table next to some vegetables. I knew immediately it was something I had never seen before," said Robert Timmins of the Wildlife Conservation Society
"Tastes just like chicken", he added.
I've been trying to catch up and finally decided to threadsuck, so I am almost totally context-free! It's an odd feeling.
I had a Diet Coke® made with Splenda® day before yesterday. It tasted different from the aspartamed one, but it's been 25 years or so since I last had a real Coke, so I don't know if it tastes anything like that.
I saw an article (in People? An in-flight magazine? Who knows?) on Orlando Bloom (in part) that mentioned that as part of his buling up for KoH he gave up his vegetarian ways, and "even tried goat". I just figured that needed to be mentioned here. Even if it already has been.
::weeps with the appropriate beauty::
::um, not of the slavery::