I think I have a sickness. Or anyway, I am all hot and then all cold -- more often cold -- and am a blithering idiot today. Is it a sickness, or my unconscious sabotaging me from being all caught up this week?
Hint: either way, I would like to go home and do nothing.
Well, I've never been to New York, but I say take the E train.
Thanks for all your help, everyone. Sounds like the E train is the way to go.
Kate, the E train was great and zippy.
(zoom zoom zoom!)
(zoom zoom zoom!)
Precisely! It's like the capoeira song going ad infinitum.
Today's a day off. how happy am I?
Absolultely! YAY!
Also, by taking the day off I can make it to my doc appointment on time, I can mail the stuff that has been on my desk for too long and I can also finish my application and get that in the mail.
Also, I can go to Burke Williams.
I had to go and buy more co-op insurance this morning. I feel so grown-up.
Now I will be imitating the "Zoom Zoom" kid all day long.
Man, I want a day off, but I used mine up until next TUESDAY. Unless I bail on work tomorrow, which is always possible.
I've been here nearly an hour and half and have not yet seen my boss. Word.
Precisely! It's like the capoeira song going ad infinitum.
Look out, ita's gonna blow.
Note, Kat and I both drive Mazdas.