HOW the baseball mighty have fallen.
So I forgot the M's were playing the Yankees early today, and flipped on the game nearly 40 minutes after the scheduled start.
To discover it was still the bottom of the 1st, but we were up 5-3. Yay! Sorta.
Only by the time we got out of the inning, it was 5-5.
This is nuts. Four years ago these were the best teams in baseball, and now it's a "Who sucks worst?" competition.
I've had lunch already. Maybe for supper.
I don't follow baseball much, but I was amused to see the Tigers' record listed higher than the Yankees recently. I'm sure the Tigers will be able to lose their way out of mid-pack before long.
In April, the M's looked like they were actually going to play respectable .500 ball. But then they collapsed.
t checks score
Hey, still 5-5! We haven't lost yet.
6-5. Never mind. WHY is Moyer still pitching? For that matter, why don't we just ditch our entire staff except MAYBE Franklin and Pineiro, and call up some people from Tacoma? They couldn't be worse.
ION, normally I think things like this are parodies. But this one looks real. What is WRONG with people? [link]
HOW the baseball mighty have fallen.
At least my Phillies are consistent. Unfortunately, they consistently finish at the bottom of the pack.
Four years ago these were the best teams in baseball, and now it's a "Who sucks worst?" competition.
Who are the starters today? That's Randy Johnson and somebody, right? Yikes for them.
On similar topic, I am following my team via CBS Sportsline, which has a nice graphical display, including headshots of the hitter and pitcher, and a diagram of the strike zone. Unfortunately, it has only a tenuous relationship with our concepts of space. For example:
Mueller singled to deep left, Varitek scored.
Ever look at Fenway Park? There is no such thing as deep left. There is very shallow left, and then a 40-foot high wall.
I just came back from a walk outside. Lovely day. Why am I so responsible that I cannot skip out on the rest of today and just sunbathe??
That's Randy Johnson and somebody, right?
Nope, Randy was Monday. This is Jamie Moyer vs. Carl Pavano.
Note to people who shake my hand: SHAKE MY FUCKING HAND. Don't just extend it limply for me to shake. What if we both did that, huh? We could just press clammy palms at each other.
Take responsibility for the exchange, people.
Ever look at Fenway Park? There is no such thing as deep left.
Deep left probably means "off the wall" at Fenway.
I wanted to like the CBS gamecasts, because I like the graphics better, but I didn't find it as good overall as the MLB gamecasts.