Kat! I know that psycho pastor was just so psycho. I'm so glad that
Missy's mom left him.
And the Two Logans would be a fun show.
I'm also glad that
was instrumental on tonight's VM. When
left the apartment and I could see that
Backup was sleeping on the couch -- I was thinking that he should bring the dog.
It was funny to see him as Warren -- also he was on something else last week. . . what was it?
He's cute But it is definitely his character.
Also adorable here: [link]
VM: I am also imagining that perhaps
Logan's mom
commit suicide.
That perhaps
Aaron killed her and made it
look like a
Oh, maybe that's next season. And yet, not so interesting. If
Logan is dead,
I'm done with VM.
I keep thinking that, next season,
Logan will want to get the hell outta Dodge and not be The Boy Whose Dad was Diddling His Ex-Girlfriend and Then Killed Her and Then Tried to Burn His New Girlfriend Alive to Cover It All Up. And he's gonna turn 18 and get his inheritance. So maybe he travels the world, dancing and glowering, possibly at the same time, trying to heal his poor little broken heart. And maybe he does random good deeds. Like patrolling the mall and telling that boy trying on the orange shirt that he's just not an autumn.
yup, would need to know more - he is cute, but too young looking to be much of draw without knowing his character. but then if there is a Logan/Logan show that would introduce him and Weevil could glower in the background all jealous.
Okay, that's the show I want to see, Kristen. And, while he's doing that, can he somehow hook up with the GG Logan? Cause now I'm pretty set on that as a pair. Or baring that, maybe Sark?
Logan and Sark? Mmm...
Or, Kristen, Logan can move to Newport Beach. I could get behind that.