The ending of VM was Fucking Rude. and if it is Duncan - well ptui! we will speak of it no more. I would like d it to have been Wallace. Her friiend is the one that should show up.
and I don't think that Aaron being the murderer was unexplained. Strangely for television it wasn't fully explained. But well enough hinted at theat enough of us thought it was a possibility.
and ithink the theme for the season was something along the lines of: even if you are really smart, that doesn't mean you can't be wrong. V was so right about everything at the beginning - yet , rather subtley for television - sometimes wrong was better than right (like the commune episode) and sometiems assumptions made are way out of whack. ( like the bomb threat ep) and even friends sometimes lie.
so I 'm not sure about how I feel about mom. she is not a good one, but I get the feeling there is a bit more going on. just sorta the food /music thing. I bet if they wanted to make me like her- they could. Hell, they made me like Logan and he is one of the first tv characters I hated at first sight. If this were a romance novel we would be fated to be together forever. darn.