skipping over the white font and killing time until 915 so I can watch VM without commercials... I shall meara instead:
But the rest of society, who doesn't know what a joy I am, what a geeky, demented sweetheart I am -- they don't know that Teppy in khakis is just as delectable as Teppy in cherries. Their loss.
Some things NEED to be repeated. Because they are true.
I always dress in black. My apartment looks like a box of crayolas exploded.
and what color is your hair?
I definitely get wanting your clothes to be easy to take care of but how is putting things in a Dryel bag (or really dropping them off at the cleaners) harder than doing loads of laundry?
never used dryel - but the cost of dry cleaning makes me crazy. - I only buy dryclean for things that don't need to be cleaned often
But, am I the only one who makes sure her underpants and bra are at least in the same color family? When I just grab the first clean ones and they *don't* match at all, I feel off all day.
don't own enough bras for that to be possible - I only wear them for work . and they are picked based on how they look under clothes