The idea of wearing my insides on my outside all the time gives me the screaming heebie jeebies like you would not believe. I was so much happier once I learned how to dress to blend.
This is me. I have a pair of insanely cute red mary janes with cats on them that I don't wear, because when I wear them, I have to talk about them every five minutes, and I lack the sense of humor or whatever for that.
Which is why I could never be Jilli.
My home decorating scheme is: Shit Other People Gave Me.
Mine, too. Supplemented with Early Ikea and These People Have A Lot of Books, Don't They?
I love the idea of make-up, but it's hrd for me to justify spending money at Sephora when I haven't used up the loot from my last Sephora jaunt.
I dry clean everyweek cause of work. Otherwise, probably not so much.
But I think of style as an expression of an inner life, not just an artificial gilding or seeking the approval of anybody.
This is interesting. Because, I must say, what shoes I wear on any given day can absolutely set my mood for that day. Running shoes, it's a practical day. Cutie-pie shoes, a whimsy day. Sensible, nondescript shoes, a nondescript day. Stylish low heels, I am probably trying to feel impressive (to myself or someone else). (I gave up on stylish high heels when my left foot became cranky.)
Far more than any other article of clothing, my shoes reflect/determine my mood.
For other markers of style/femininity, I pick and choose. Plucked eyebrows yes; shaved legs only irregularly. Shaped nails yes (although never manicures); makeup almost never. Coordinated jewelry usually; hair-primping after that one barrette has gone in -- no.
you're on the list of people I'm trying to figure out how to get to move here
Stop that.
you're on the list, too!
I, obviously, wear makeup every day. And touch up my powder & lipstick every afternoon. Of course, once you decide to shave the outer halves of your eyebrows off, you kinda have to wear makeup every day.
Moisturizer doesn't count as makeup does it?
Tinted might. I extend mine with Photo Finish, which pretty much does.
I wear make-up if I'm going out or performing (which includes classes and auditions). Otherwise, eh, sometimes I get into a mascara mood for a week or two.
My apartment is mostly decorated along the lines of "how can I make a 10 1/2 x 13 1/2 space a liveable home without going mad."
Jilli! I just got here!
So? C'mon, Pete needs you to live near-by so he can sketch you if he needs art reference for fierce women.
Buffista Island. Needs to be a reality.
I will only wear mascara if I have the time to heat my mascara curler, because they just stick straight out. But at work, I always wear Photo Finish, foundation, blush, and eye shadow, and rarely any more or less.
My home decorating scheme is: Shit Other People Gave Me.
I call mine Early American Garage Sale.
I don't think my clothes or my make-up will ever be an expression of my inner life -- at least those things would never come close to a full expression -- because it would be too much trouble. I don't like altering clothes, and almost everything I buy has to be altered. I have sensitive skin issues that limit my make up choices. All of those things can be overcome with time and money, but I don't want to spend the cash or the hours.