Timelies all!
I managed to lock my keys in my car this morning. Had to call AAA, despite being at a gas station/service station(stopped there to get something to drink after my dermatologist appointment) because they didn't have anything to unlock a car. I still feel like a complete doofus.
The least May 2005 can do is cough up a faint possibility of a DVD set. And, just for Cindy, I will express the depths of my bitterness with a whole other invective: May 2005. What a cockbite.
There you go, Jacqueline.
I've stopped counting all mine.
I wish I could be at f2f, but this time going in, I knew I couldn't.
The least May 2005 can do is cough up a faint possibility of a DVD set.
JZ's post reminded me that Pete & Pete comes out this month.
I'm just bothered that I let myself get attached to Eyes without even considering the possibility that it might get cancelled. It's not like it was on Fox; this was ABC, the network that let crap like
Who's The Boss?
run for approximately thirty-seven eternites, the network that only just got around to dismembering the hideous shambling braiiiiiins-craving corpse of
NYPD Blue...
Oh, wait a minute. This is also the network that killed
MSCL, Relativity
in rapid succession. How stupid of me. I knew what kind of a track record ABC had, and I let myself be seduced anyway. More fool me.
They renewed Lost. That has to be worth something.
Yes, but I'm betting we'll all wish they hadn't.
ABC? Alias, Lost, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy - they're doing okay.