The entire city seems not to wake up until after noon on the weekends.
I think that varies by neighborhood, but yeah. A great thing about trying to do stuff when my parents are visiting is how early they live. So we went to the "hot" brunch place, but we went at like 9 in the morning -- no wait!
In NYC, brunch = the first meal of any Saturday or Sunday, if eaten out of the house. doesn't matter time, menu, nuthin. unsurprisingly, I have had brunch at BK.
If you click on that, you will hate me, I'm fairly sure. I'm sharing because I'm evil.
In less than a half an hour, I am going to Julia's Kindergarten Tea Party. The last time I attended a Kindergarten Tea party, it was with Benjamin's class. Julia and Chris (in a stroller!!!) accompanied me. Scott is home today. He was up working 'til 4:30am, on an install that never did work, so Chris will stay home.
The last time I went to Kindergarten Tea party was September 11, 2001.
I call it brunch if I'm meeting people. Breakfast is what I eat by myself, or at a greasy spoon in the wee hours of the morning, probably with Kat.
In Montreal, it's breakfast no matter what the time or who's with me. It's a breakfasty sort of city -- I've breakfasted out three times in one day -- my friends stagger their waking, so sometimes breakfast is at 9, sometimes at 4.
In Montreal, it's breakfast no matter what the time or who's with me. It's a breakfasty sort of city -- I've breakfasted out three times in one day -
Sounds like Merry and Pippen would love it there.
Plus doesn't Canada have a law that says everything must be printed in English and Elvish?
Sounds like Merry and Pippen would love it there.
I'd be
to show them from Cora's to Santropol and then over to Eggspectations. As many times as they wanted. And then we could go for
Hey fainty, did you call your doctor?