Joining in the chorus of "Yes, Tom, you can do it; yes, it's scary; no, it's not easy or natural and it won't be for a good long time yet; but yes, it's possible, and yes, you do indeed have the strength and persistence and courage to do it, you so very much do."
Which is a very long chorus, but every wod of it true.
Congratulations, Alibelle!
Egad. I have been so busy with the baba these days, I just realized I haven't been around here in a week.
Hmph, new baby and a toddler, like that's an excuse.
Hmph, new baby and a toddler, like that's an excuse.
Absolutely. If only she had bought a house or something, then
Just maybe.
It's the same law that makes the printer will run out of paper the moment you send your timesheet to it.
Or that HQ will decide to replace a router when you are trying to do the same online.
Database just rolled over and puked. They are having to recall people who went home already.
It's almost comical.
Per-zackly, ita, per-zackly.
Hmph, new baby and a toddler, like that's an excuse.
Absolutely. If only she had bought a house or something, then maybe. Just maybe.
::crawls off to a corner and weeps::
At least this time around nobody is dying.
I think I need a year or two off from the Hectic Life Changes.
Sara, obviously your cat has hacked into your company's network in a ploy to avoid getting medicated.
Do you mind if I adopt this for wider use? As in, "I have to get up in the middle of the fucking night to test the new blahblah before it goes live. But at least there's a low likelihood that I'll receive an episiotomy in the process."
It puts things in perspective. "Fuck! A $300 ticket! Oh well, at least the odds of having an episiotomy while paying it off are low."