Of course, it turns out not to have been a big deal, but so why was WNYC airing this whole stupid press conference live?
I appreciated it, because I work three blocks from there and wanted to know how much of the area was going to be blocked off, but dude, a glass door and a flowerpot got 'sploded by a fake grenade in an area with a zillion cameras at 3 in the morning, and nobody was hurt. This was quite possibly the lamest act of terrorism in NYC history.
This was quite possibly the lamest act of terrorism in NYC history.
This is what I'm saying. And the mayor had no information, anyway. He wouldn't even say it was directed at the British consulate. LAME.
Although, I was reminded of the time when I worked in DC that our block was evacuated because of a suitcase outside the building I worked in. Of course, it turned out to just be a suitcase, but it would have been tough to figure out who the target was in that building -- I worked for a pro-choice organization, there was some Jewish org, I think the NAACP, Friends of the Earth, etc., etc.
Yay cool number day and Cinco de Mayo and my husband's birthday!! An auspicious day it is.
Yay cool number day and Cinco de Mayo and my husband's birthday!!
Yay cool that this is the first time you can say that! Send happies from me.
My office is taking bets on how long it'll take Bloomberg to spin this into a "This is why we need a West Side Stadium" story.
Loving the 5/5/5-ness of today.
I don't know if I can make it, but there's no way I'm buying a pretty dress for anything I need to show up at 7am for.
I know that was so supposed to be your excuse to buy a new dress, yet would you NEED to buy a dress. Are you saying you haven't one to wear already?
Oh! I only saw the bomb thing on the NY1 crawl before I watched TDS this morning. I thought the British Consulate bomb was actually in Britain, which means that I am really dumb.
Yay cool that this is the first time you can say that!
I was ridiculously excited to buy him a "For My Husband" birthday card. Next year I'll go back to the funny, but this year I couldn't resist. And I shall pass along the love. Thank you!
Still grooving on the numerical coolness of the day. Wishing I could drink tequila at work.
Having a graduation ceremony that early is just mean.
I had very elaborate dreams about...doing my laundry this weekend. I seem to think it will be more than 3 loads and I will run out of quarters. My brain is so.damned.exciting.
Realized this am I have to go get more needles tonight. And try to make it to a thing in the park. And eat dinner. Something is going to have to give.
We should be wearing these today