"Who cares? It's just a rental!"
Yes. This. I can say with certainty that there is one out there whose seat has been nibbled by a camel trying to climb in, its fender kicked by an ostrich and oh yeah, a giraffe tried to remove the steering wheel. I won't even get into the donkeys. So if it comes from Killeen, you probably should be suspicious.
From Gud's link:
If environmentalists declare victory, it would be political suicide for their movement and those who have set up nice lives by themselves by braying at corporate America and the conspicuous consumption of fossil fuel.
There is money in this? Where?
Have you ever wondered why so many of the environmentalist wackos say, "We need to get back to a more pristine lifestyle! We need to shut down all this technological advancement. We need to live more like they do in the Third World because that pollutes less?"
Who is he talking to? Or rather who makes up this shit?
There can be a balance between using technology to reduce pollution and doing whatever makes the most profit.
Meanwhile, the free market is taking care of any problems.
The problem with this reasoning is it leads to thinking that is too short term, whereas Mother Nature is seriously into the long term.
Oh, and no one in my immediate family has had problems with the law (though my brother cut something realclose in his early 20's), I have a cousin who's been in and out of prison for petty-theft-type-stuff pretty much his whole life. And I just got done emailing an author who's got info about my Irish Mafia great-grandfather who was running all the bootleg beer in New Jersey before he got gunned down by a rival gang (which from 3 generations removed is
a cool story).
This just in: Yoda+Chewbacca=comedy gold!
Another really cheap car that gets really good long term reliability ratings (as per J.D. Powers long term ratings) and good gas mileage is the Saturn SL. We had a '94 that we put 120,000 miles on until it got totaled in an accident.
OK, so I haven't watched really closely in the past couple of years, but WHO THE HELL IS LAURA? Is she a Key or something silly?
I'm glad that wasn't just me, sara.
Laura Bristow = Irina Durevko
[eta that I'm watching on Tivo-delay, and haven't actually finished Lost yet, so if this is an answer to the wrong question, I apologize.]
My family isn't as upstanding as they think they are.
"Everyone's guilty of something. Cruelty or greed, or driving 65 in a 55-mile zone." God's Detective, Frank Pembleton.
Oh. I totally forgot that. I so don't watch for plot.