A couple days ago I was wondering at having forgotten so much Jossverse lore.
And then a friend asked me "Why did Angel end up working for Wesley, and why was Cordelia so mad at him?"
"Well, in Reunion, written by Shawn Ryan and Tim Minear ..."
God, I wonder if there's anything actually useful I could occupy those neurons with? Or maybe that's why I get the migraines. Tumour of Joss.
Heh. It's always a good day when you get to provoke a quadruple cross-post!
I have written out many mother's day cards,
Jesse, how many mothers do you have?
Just the one mother, but then two grandmothers, and then I saw a card "from the cat" which I decided I had to send to my aunt, because she's always sending me cards and I never reciprocate. So I got four mother's day cards.
A forensic accountant testified that Michael Jackson owed $285 million more than he had in assets about the time a damaging documentary was aired, bolstering prosecutors’ claims that financial distress led the superstar to panic.
Can I just say that I love the fact that there is such a thing as a forensic accountant? I am now imagining the opening scene in
except that instead of a coprse, he lifts a sheet off of some fucked-up general ledgers....
Allyson, to kind of condition her to NOT scratch it, try putting double sided tape on it.
Unless your cat is a freak like mine, who loves to EAT the tape...
the Unconversation
I love it!
Jesse is a good person.
I am currently avoiding writing to the family friend in prison, if that helps. And of course it's all in service of avoiding school work.
I used to have the best Unconversations with my old boss. "Did you do the thing?" "Yeah, the copy is in the file."
Aimee, The 4-door 2001 Windstar LX has keyless entry as a standard feature. The 3-door 2001 Windstar LX does not. The link below gives you a secret way to tell if keyless entry is installed.
Also, you can order a remote from the same place for 30 bucks.
Edit: Ours is a 2002 Windstar LX, so practically the same thing.
Unconversations is a great term. I have them with Kat in spades, but also with my longtime softball teammates, and with my climbing buddies.
Jesse, wanna do our dishes? That'll help with the avoiding.