Kinda? I think that would bring me to tears.
Well, you were surrounded by thousands of books you weren't destroying. Besides, you just became numb to it after the kajillionth Sweet Valley High Babysitter's Horror Mystery Special Edition #47 you destroyed.
I made an attempt at today, but is scuttled off howling and bleeding and I really might have made it worse and I'm so so sorry if that's the case....
once I was introducted to the "stuff them all in a pillowcase" method, there was no going back.
Sister! It's the perfect method. No need to root around in your crowded closet, because you know everything you need is in the pillowcase.
Bah! Target gets no respect from me. Martha's minions taught me that sheet folding method years ago. pshah.
Also, you can open any jar with two rubber bands.
I'm tellin' ya. Martha may be many things, but she's got good minions.
While I've never ironed a sheet in my life (my grandmother did...along with pouring boiling water over every dish in the house even if it was just breathed on), I find sheets folded the pockety way stand up in stacks more neatly and come out less wrinkly.
Now if I could just hire someone to vacuum every day, my housekeeping would be complete.
Also, you can open any jar with two rubber bands.
You can open any jar by banging it (lid down) on the ground, three times.
I wasn't able to follow those directions exactly (I didn't have a corner hanging down), but I may have achieved the same end. The sheet is really nice and flat and stuff. Shame it was wrinkled when I started, but still.
The pillowcase method of sorting is no good to me, since I mix and match the sets at the time of bedmaking.
Sheets are pretty thin. I wonder if you could half-arsed iron them, once they're folded like that--not that I ever will iron sheets.
I use zippered bags rather than pillowcases (damned cats) but that's for the spare sheets. I don't fold the ones I use on my bed. They go from dryer to bed.
You can open any jar by banging it (lid down) on the ground, three times.
Truly recalcitrant jars get the awl treatment from me -- pierce the jar top, break the vacuum, and the jar opens easily. (Then put tape on the hole.)
We have one set of sheets (boring old white flannel) which get washed and go straight back to the bed. We have a spare set, but it's made out of mismatching sheets from old sets. We have a set of guest sheets as well.