Oh, and Samson. He hooks up with a chick, and the bitch cuts his hair.
Great example. Just not quite modern enough.
War of the Roses? That may work.
Shakespeare, again, not quite modern enough. Even Madame Bovary is probably too old, but I'm gonna use it anyway.
Bickersons? Never heard of it...need to go Google.
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
Bickersons? Never heard of it...need to go Google.
Are they related to the Lockhorns?
ChiKat, what about
Jude the Obscure?
That might fit the bill.
Hagar the Horrible
count? Hagar's wife is always making him pick stuff up for her when he's sacking some town. Although I'm not sure his marriage impedes his career
How about every television commerical ever?
ION, I want one of these. For when I have a house with a pool, natch.
ION, I want one of these. For when I have a house with a pool, natch.
Why does it need to inflate?
Because otherwise it wouldn't be...I have no idea. Maybe in case you wanted the screen in the pool?
Is it because they're books you bought for your courses, and you won't be needing them anymore? 'Cause that's understandable.
No, those I sold yesterday. This is mostly the result of culling out books I bought when I was younger and had less taste. I just...I've never gotten rid of so many books before.
A few books were in such terrible shape (and were such terrible books) that my only option was to throw them away. I threw away books. I'm a terrible person.
Not good books in bad shape NEED to be thrown away to make room for good books which will delight you every time you see them.