Also, I'm wondering if
Interesting. Hmm. Also, why did Veronica
jump to the conclusion that Logan knew anything about it, considering the liquor cabinet was in the room - not likely to be Logan's room, but I guess she was just to freaked out at that point. If he has the key to the liquor cabinet, why wouldn't he know would be the thinking.
I'm putting five kittens on it
turning out to be Aaron. Though they managed the basically not make it a rape and still not make me want to throw things at the television like I would have with every other out I had thought of, so who knows.
VM: When Logan was
kicking people out of his surprise party
it sounded like he said,
"Start heading towards the rectangle with the nun."
Whuh? Can anyone 'splain the reference?
Hi aurelia! ~waving~
Hey, I'm heading to KC on Thursday and expect to be there for about a week.
VM: Jon, it wasn't
"nun." It was "knob."
Hey, I'm heading to KC on Thursday and expect to be there for about a week.
Maybe we should arrange an inspection of Gud's rocketship. My profile e-mail is good if you want to start talking details.
Oh, go and make the quote all sensible now!
My profile e-mail is good if you want to start talking details.
Cool. Likewise. Chances are I'll be doing family stuff all weekend. My nephew's 1st t-ball game is Saturday.
Great moments in crime: somebody stole a truck containing 47,000 NY Yankee caps which were supposed to be given to fans attending games at the Stadium this weekend. [link]
Why didn't Cashmere tell us she joined a band? [link]
Maybe we should arrange an inspection of Gud's rocketship.
I dunno if I can get together or not as my life is somewhat of a mess. Maybe I could meet for lunch on a weekday or something.