Job~ma for vw!!! Yay you!
From way back - Plei, I'm so sorry about the money woes. I know you said it's nothing new, but it must be even scarier now. Is there anything we can do?
Do we have a Ministry of Killing Absolute Fucking Assholes? She's not stupid, just a Grade-A asshole, and I'm tired of being in the office with her.
I was just lectured for an hour in therapy about how I need to be in the world more often. Too much to offer, etc. So, I'm going to hide here for a while with a cup of tea.
This is a 15-hour a week job with benefits.
I so need a job like this. Best of luck getting the job, vw.
Glad to hear it--but if you get the offer, the credit goes to your interview skills, you know.
Do we have a Ministry of Killing Absolute Fucking Assholes?
Dude, I *wish*.
Sorry for Asshole person in your world though. Fie on her!
but if you get the offer, the credit goes to your interview skills, you know.
Yeah, but you got me in the door, which is huge too!
You guys wouldn't believe how amazing this would be. It would mean that I don't have to deal with Free Care and MassHealth and Medicare, which are all systems that have so much red tape and hastle. It just would be amazing.
That sounds like a Made For VW job!
Metafilter picked up that item about the gothy people being asked to leave the screening of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and some of the comments are cracking me up (most of the comments are rude and hateful, but some are funny):
I think I shall form a subculture dressing up as pirates, then we will start fights with goths and ninjas.
Now, if they had dressed as Visigoths, I could see where there would be an issue...
Did they only allow people with brightly-colored clothing into this screening?
I think we all know that the real victors of the pirate vs. ninja battle would be the chaos monkeys, feasting on the corpses.
Also, I'm pretty sure that a Tim Burton movie involving goth kids dressed up as pirates, ninjas and robots would be top notch.
there's this part of me that's saying, "How did I end up married to a man who can't understand why this means so much to me?" And I'm sure there's a part of him that's saying, "How did I end up married to a woman who would want such a thing?"
Maybe it isn't quite this way, Susan. He might understand it means so much to you, but still not be able to overcome his fears and aversions. There are somethings that are just too dangerous for me (personally) to feel comfortable having in this house with my family, no matter how much anyone else I adore loves them, and no matter how careful any of the anybody elses would be.
which are all systems that have so much red tape and hastle.
This is kinda true for everything dealing with health care.
vw, that's wonderful! That sounds a great job *and* a great interview.
sj, I was glad to read that your nephew was doing well. I know that was a while ago, but I hadn't seen you till now. And, being a hide from the world type of person myself, let me just fluff a few pillows for you.