That's some of the good, -t. And who knows, you may get your deposit. AFAIK, we were the only tenants to get our deposit back from our last landlords, and I'm sure that was only because we caught them at a bad time when we asked for it (the husband's mother had just passed away), and they weren't feeling like being dicks. So you may catch your landlord in a transitional moment.
I am hoping 40 is better than 30, as 30 was stupid. Or I was stupid at 30. I was significantly less together at 30 than I was at 25. At 35 I was the most together I'd ever been. It's nsm the fear of 40 that was getting to me though as the enforced hiatus on stuff I enjoy. I mean, maybe I wouldn't play paintball for the next few years, but to know I can't is distressing. My friends in the States get together to do stuff even with their infant children; in fact, my paintball team is all going to see Star Wars together, and a couple of the spouses who aren't interested are watching the kids. To know I can't do anything like that for years is getting to me - time is speeding up so much as I get older that every year seems extra-precious.
Usually I like being overseas because, while I give up stuff like jiujitsu and gaming, I get to travel, see and do cool things, and sometimes get surprise activities, like fencing in Malaysia. But it's becoming painfully obvious that there won't be any of that this time, so I'm feeling all sorry for myself. I know I could use the years I'm here to my advantage, but my little extroverted self is feeling the pain of having to be alone. And I've never thought of myself as a stay-at-home mom, so I'm also having to deal with saying goodbye to who I was, even though I liked me.
Of course, this could all be post-partum depression.
I can't really contribute on either the gun discussion or the pet/people discussion, but being a Buffista I'm going to anyway...on pets, like vw, I can't imagine having someone in my life who either wasn't an animal person. I've had my husband and my cat about the same length of time, and we got the cat even though we knew my husband was mildly allergic (really mildly, so not usually a problem). Since I had the husband before I met the cat, no issue, but Legion is so incredibly important to me that I can't imagine giving him up for anything. However, we did have to give up a couple kittens we adopted right after getting married because of Robert's allergies, and while it was very tough for both of us, it wasn't even the same as giving up Legion (I hate even THINKING that) because the kittens weren't as cool. That was more like breaking up with a casual friend so you could date someone you really connected with.
So I'm middle-of-the-roading it again, with "depends on whether the pet in question is a better fit with you than the person in question."
OTOH, you do make a commitment to your pets. I know people in the Foreign Service who've given up pets because they were going to countries that either quarantined for 6 months or didn't allow them at all, and I've always had a problem with those folks. There are a lot of countries out there; we would never even bid on a country that we couldn't take Legion to. (We didn't bid on Malaysia but got it assigned to us...but quarantine was only 1 month). I know this is pets/career not pets/people, but still.
On the gun thing, I'd say everyone gets a veto. No matter how irrational it seems, if your spouse is really freaked out about something, it's not good to force it on them. It will fester and cause problems, and all the more so if it's not a rational thing to be freaked out about. But this is where the whole "communication" thing comes in, which Susan's already figured out. So that's cool.