He also thoughtfully put my glove on my bedstand.
Heh. Love that kid.
A couple of years ago, when my brother was planning a trip home for a long weekend and wanted to go to a baseball game, I told him I'd order tickets.
When I called to tell him I got tickets, I said "So, I got us baseball tickets that are either right inside or right outside the foul line. I'm bringing my glove and you'd better not mock me."
Bro: "I packed mine *yesterday*."
You gotta be prepared. See, Emmett knows this.
I'm bored. I should do math or something.
I'm bored too. Which doesn't mean that there isn't a ton of things I should be doing.
What sj said.
Anyone want to play literati?
I wish I could, Perkins, but I really need to be getting ready soon so that I can get to Teacup Guy's house on time for once.
Perkins, I would love to, but I should probably buckle down and get some homework done.
Okay. If you change your mind, let me know. I should be packing, but not so much right now.
Perkins, if you can wait a half hour or so, I gotta shower. Then, I'd love to play a game.