ION: What's the deal with allergies? I mean, I assume it's kind of like your body's reaction to a virus (foreign body? Attack!)
But why is my body so convinced that dust, dander, mold, pollen, etc. are such DANGEROUS INVADERS?
Because they are. Until proven otherwise. They certainly don't belong.
And why-god-why does it think that the most effective weapon to combat it is snot?!? Why?
Because it knows you'll sneeze the invaders the fuck out. Mission accomplished.
Man, P-C knocked all the wind outta my rant.
I still miss breathing free.
I'm sorry. It was a science question. I bit. Be lucky I actually have no idea what I'm talking about, and so I didn't go into what histamines actually are.
Maybe I should try to get DH to come along, too--it might freak him out a little less conceptually.
I know I was freaked the hell out by handguns until Hubby took me to the range. I had to psyche myself up to shoot it--then something primal in the back of my head said "Big noise bright light boom neat!"
The snot idea may seem fine, but post nasal drip is a bitch. And not you know, fun.
Popping in to say whoo-hoo a tad late to P-C. That totally rocks!
Plus ~ma to Fay, and anyone else who needs it.
Turns out, they kept it in my dad's sock drawer.
And that is how adolescent boys wind up dead. Especially depressed adolescent boys. Jesus.
Post nasal drip has been my curse for the last two months. Can't decide if it's wacky allergies or the cold that wouldn't go away. In either case, you have my deepest sympathy and empathy.
Now, I must toodle because my
CD keeps skipping and playing the same section over and over. It wasn't bad the first few times, but is beginning to irk. Plus, apartments don't clean themselves. Bummer.
Be lucky I actually have no idea what I'm talking about, and so I didn't go into what histamines actually are.
See, now I'm actually interested in the subject, just, you know, can't breathe, so a little cranky.
Also, congrats on being so "Master"-ful!
Maybe I will do a blog entry on allergies. Hmm.