considering the type of ammo old-style guns typically require (ball and powder as opposed to convenient cartridges), everything that makes the loading/firing process complicated and inconvenient is a plus.
Also part of my thinking.
Black powder rifles can knock you on your butt, though. Just saying.
So I've heard. And yet another part of my reasoning is that if I'm going to keep writing about these things, I should find out what they sound/feel/smell like.
I cannot fit it into my brain as something that makes sense. I keep trying to say to myself "He must have been thinking that..." and then I have no way to finish the sentence. It's absurd.
It's the same sort of thinking that leads PR flunkies and Marketing weasels to say things like "We want it to be hip and edgy" without bothering to find out any information on the 'edgy' thing they're trying to co-opt.
t giggles
Well, he still works for NRG. They took my name and number and I'll see if I can get a comment out of him (I write a column for You'll All Pay).
Yay! Go Aimee!
I need something to perk me up after 1:17:21.
Susan, I pretty much agree with everybody else - not weird to want a prop from your period, reasonable to want to write with accuracy, just gotsta have precautions. IOW, I don't think you're weird.
Yay! Go Aimee!
I may not be able to fight the whole system, but dammit, I can fight the smaller subsects of it.
I think more of this "justice" thing of MM's might have rubbed off on me than I thought.
I think more of this "justice" thing of MM's might have rubbed off on me than I thought.
Picturing you in flowing cape and kicky red boots even now.
Susan, I also grew up with guns in the house, mostly hunting rifles. There was a rifle range in our basement, and Dad made sure we could shoot straight. Guns were serious business. I would never have dreamed of playing with one. Which is why I'm nonplussed about hearing that you want to bring one into the house as decoration, but want it to work. Those things don't go together in my head, and I wonder if your DH isn't getting a mixed signal off of what you describe, too. I understand why you'd want one, and why you'd like to fire it (I find shooting at a rifle range to be very calming, as I get to employ my yoga breathing).
Then what's the point if not to wear a cape?