So. Am I weird to want a gun?
I always wanted a gun and now I have one. There are a few in our house. The idea of a small child near a gun worries me, but I believe they can safely co-exist in the same house if care is taken.
It doesn't sound like you are wanting a gun that is for regular shooting. Until you have some ammunition, it wouldn't be dangerous.
re: gun
If it was absotively, posolutely unable to be fired--blocked barrel, solid breech, no moving parts except for a fake trigger--I'd say go for it. Given the chaos factor of kids, I'd try to avoid anything that could wind you up on the evening news as a cautionary tool.
I feel 50% less blinvisible.
I think I got the other 50%. Darn you.
ION, Jilli, is there a hotel nearish you or Plei that you would recommend?
That Willy Wonka incident is most bizarre.
Susan, if you make it functional, keep the ammo somewhere else, like in a safety deposit box. That way, you could fire it at a range (or wherever you fire reproduction antique guns), but it would be essentially not a weapon in the house.
The idea of a small child near a gun worries me, but I believe they can safely co-exist in the same house if care is taken.
I'd worry about it too much, it would only take one mistake.
Susan, if you make it functional, keep the ammo somewhere else, like in a safety deposit box. That way, you could fire it at a range (or wherever you fire reproduction antique guns), but it would be essentially not a weapon in the house.
My thinking all along--well, not necessarily a safe deposit box, but somewhere not in the house and not easily accessible.
ION, Jilli, is there a hotel nearish you or Plei that you would recommend?
Argh, did my server eat my mail to you? Hmmph. Anyway, I don't know a *thing* about any of the hotels in the area. I'll ask a couple friends for some opinions.
not necessarily a safe deposit box, but somewhere not in the house and not easily accessible.
considering the type of ammo old-style guns typically require (ball and powder as opposed to convenient cartridges), everything that makes the loading/firing process complicated and inconvenient is a plus.
Black powder rifles can knock you on your butt, though. Just saying.
Posted here so that Jilli will see it: An Open Letter to Tim Burton
I can't believe that they are based in HOLLYWOOD and that still happened. So completely want to call a news station or summat.
I can't believe that they are based in HOLLYWOOD and that still happened. So completely want to call a news station or summat.
My immediate, knee-jerk response after I read the letter was "I hope that PR firm employee is FIRED." Because it read as someone letting their personal biases show.