If you're gonna freelance for the Amish you gotta expect a little shunning.
Oh, crap. And they probably don't have computers, either, being Amish and all. You'd think the e-mail address of "jacob@...." would have tipped me off.
Though one of the clients is, seriously, a convent.
If you're gonna freelance for the Amish you gotta expect a little shunning.
Especially if you keep sending them e-mail.
Gives a whole new definition to "server not found".
Though one of the clients is, seriously, a convent.
Maybe the vow of silence got updated to include modern technology...
The nuns I've met? Not silent. Downright chatty, actually.
Then again, they tended to call where they lived monasteries. I wonder whether there's an order-based distinction there.
The nuns I lived among were very chatty, and it was definitely convent not monastery. Vows of silence not so prevalent. Even Trappists never actually required it.
OK, back on hold with Dell...seriously, could someone please smite them for me?
But wait, then I suppose then it would take them even longer to pick up my call...crap. Someone ready the smiter, and I'll let ya know when to let fly...K?
Smiter in the box, practicing its swing.
t readying the smiter
(I've been a bit free with the smiting lately. A little extra towards the Dell people is not out of my way.)
I'll smite them!!! I'm still pissed over how HP treated me.
I swear, next computer I get will be an Apple.
Thank you all.
I've never been so infuriated at crap treatment before in my life! The kicker, of course, is that all of the pain and suffering is for my mother's new computer (which I will no doubt use, but still, not for me). I just took care of the ordering for her to be nice (while she appreciates the power of the internet, she still treats it with a bit too much fear and awe to ever get anything done in a timely fashion online).