We've gotten the keys already, and moved a few boxes in. The power will be on tomorrow, so we'll move the perishables then. We're hiring movers to do the actual lifting of furniture and so forth, and that'll probably happen in about a week. I had trouble falling asleep last night because I kept thinking about exactly how I should pack up my kitchen. Silly brain.
I haven't heard anything from the current landlord, though I'm told that someone is going to come measure for new carpets today. As long as there isn't an eviction notice pinned to my door when I get home, I'm happy. I think DH may have come to some sort of understanding with the landlord. He's better at that than I am.
I have successfully changed addresses for everything except a magazine, my student loan, and a credit card. What did we ever do without the internets?
gronk must find coffee.
I love how much better thing are for vw this year.
there was other stuff , but coffee comes first.
I'm so late with ~ma for the bug, but lo, it was easy! Hurray!
Beth, I don't know if I understood your Beep Me post (I blame the lack of caffeine in my bloodstream) -- is Matt in an actual, literal geographical location that's a little dicey? Or were you speaking metaphorically, like when someone is suicidal, they say "I'm in a bad place, man,"?
I'm in a bad place. I have no idea what to do about my marriage. My wife thinks I'm suffering from depression and that's the root of the problems. I don't feel that I'm suffering from depression and neither does my Psychiatrist (whom I seeing only because of this). I'm feeling a bit lost about it all. Ugh.
ION, the coffee has failed to do its job this morning. I'm still tired.
Steph! I wanted to post this job listing for you, but I have to say, it's a little disheartening when a job listing for a copyeditor desperately needs a copyeditor.
I'm so sorry, Gud. I wish I had advice.