So groggy. Yeah, I got to bed late, but most of this is from the strange dream/nightmare just before waking. None of my nightmares are obvious, with monsters and dripping corpses and all (normally). I wasn't even in this one, though I was right in the POV character's head. YOung girl, about 15, finds out she's destined to go into this haunted castle to rescue someone. She goes in, fails miserably, sees another girl behind bars weeping, leaves. Goes to the king (who is a jeweler and woodworker as well), gets some tools and information and has to go back to the castle. She is weeping in terror as she goes back, and I'm in her head. I kept thinking, "You're dreaming, wake up now, where's Hubby and his patented 'Honey, you're dreaming thing?'"
She goes back into the castle, sees an image of herself trying the rescue earlier, thinks, "Damn, what a poor, scared kid, glad I'm not her--oh, wait," then proceeds to rescue the princess and send her off. The villain appears, a shadowy, ominous figure--who keeps morphing into Elvis, an Elvis in one of his white jumpsuits but without any sequins or rhinestones. I find out why Elvis when the fighting turns out to be singing. Say what you will about the man, but Elvis had some pipes. It's not rock and roll, either, but flat out high opera. Turns out POV character has some pipes too, but it's still a battle, and losing would be very bad.
I woke up at that point with a pounding headache, my heart going a mile a minute, and breathing hard. Describing these things always sounds so hokey, but that girl was terrified and so was I.