I had a lovely afternoon with my mom. We went to our favorite craft store's grand re-opening party. It was much fun. There were prizes (I won one), and everything was 20% off. Much fun was had. Then I did laundry.
Now, I'm ready to crash. Let's see if my body lets me.
Crap, laundry. I forgot. Tomorrow, I guess!
Glad you had a nice day, vw. Kinda needed it after last night, right?
Hi, sj! How's it going?
I can barely see the screen through the blurry. Geez.
The bastards.
Also, in the event anyone is watching Desperate Housewives (and I hardly know why
am): I have just had the idea/really obvious revelation that
Zach is going to be Mike's son.
I can't believe I didn't think of it sooner.
Skippy McSkipperson
I missed the window to see erika tonight (hubby's plane trip was a clusterfuck).
No way to catch up. I'm on DH's laptop. I just succumbed to the siren call of a $3 Rice Krispy treat from the mini bar. He's going to be pissed.
Kinda needed it after last night, right?
Yeah, really. I think that if I would have stayed in the apartment today, I would have made myself crazy. So, instead I went out with mom, bought yarn, hung out with other crafty women, ate, and had an overall nice day. All is well.
Hi, sj! How's it going?
It's going ok. The nephew is doing very well. They gave him a small bottle the other day to be sure he would take it, and he threw such a fit that there wasn't more that they had to sedate him. He's a fighter.
I have been having insomnia at night and wanting to sleep all day. I haven't figured out how to not sleep and not disturb Teacup Guy's sleep.
How are things with you, Sail?
It's going ok. The nephew is doing very well. They gave him a small bottle the other day to be sure he would take it, and he threw such a fit that there wasn't more that they had to sedate him. He's a fighter.
That's great news!
Ack. Sorry to hear the insomnia is still bothering you. Is it that you're still getting used to the new medicine? I know some of those can take a while for the body to totally assimilate it.
As for moi, I loaded the Office software that my daughter's BF gave me, so I can take the uber-expensive version I bought from Best Buy back and get a refund, yay! Also, he came over today and messed with the cable, because it was acting a little wacky and I'm hoping that it fixed the problem (I won't know for another hour or so.) So, while I did not get laundry done, I do feel like I accomplished a little something of value today.
Is it that you're still getting used to the new medicine? I know some of those can take a while for the body to totally assimilate it.
I hope it is just that, but I think it also might be that my depression has gotten worse.
but I think it also might be that my depression has gotten worse.
I hope that's only part of the "getting used to this medicine" effect. Are you scheduled to go talk to your doctor about it? Did she say this might happen?
I hope that's only part of the "getting used to this medicine" effect. Are you scheduled to go talk to your doctor about it? Did she say this might happen?
I think that is what it is. It will probably take at least a few weeks for this med to kick in. Yes, I am talking to my therapist about it.