which is a compliment -- she looks very ethereal....and cute
She's very fine and wee.
Emmett is now getting heavily into Robot Chicken. He and JZ have watched the same episode like three times in a row now. She still laughs uproariously at the Benny Hill funeral.
Succulent babies!
Such a cutie! Both of 'em!
WS, I rarely poke my head in here, but as a hopefully useless (don't want to be alarmist at all. Just learned the hard way about cats and pee) headsup, if the UTI returns, ask your vet to check for diabetes. The initial test and diagnoses are a bitch (usually involves boarding a couple days and way too many glucose curves and thus fees), but maintenance is cheapish and easy. I say this as someone who didn't realize chronic UTI could be diabetes. And someone who is very happy to have Mister Kitty still cuddle up to me in the am and purr his heart out.
I don't think Emmie likes having her toes nibbled. Yep, Trudy's got black hair, and she got it trimmed into something with a little flip at the end when she was in Salt Lake.
(I know that was alarmist, but think of it as a PSA)
I bought shoes! I bought these [link] in black and these [link] in pink.
I love the black strappy ones. But my daughter's cat would totally destroy them. He chews skinny straps on shoes. Don't ask why, he just does. I like the pink ones, too, but the black--hubba.
Well, there IS the House o' Reason annual 4th o' July party, complete with croquet, booze, food cooked with fire, and sparklers ...
Oooh, that sounds like fun. Teacup guy keeps mentioning he wants to travel to Seattle...
Emeline gets cuter with every picture.
Great shoes Perkins.
Cass, Laura, Deena, Kristin, Hec, Aimée, Lyra Jane, Erika, Frankenbuddha, Betsy, StuntHusband, Theodosia, beathen, and Almare have new tags.
Giant penguin at Tokyo Zoo! Smaller penguins very impressed.
I love the reaction of the emperors.