Props to my boss - he totally backed me.
afaik, this shouldn't have any impact upon me getting the new job. And I'm really impressed by how cool my current boss was about the whole deal.
You have parents who are objecting because you aren't teaching HATRED? Bad Fay! Bad!
It's a bit of a no-brainer, isn't it? I'm a racist
because I don't hate Jews.
well, at least your boss backed you up. It is a strange world They must of gone the GWB school of If you ain't withus,yer against us.
Whew, I sure hope the new bosses don't find out that you are a stinky foot racist. Those poor children being forced to smell those toes. and thanks for the new threat I can use now
Cultural mores, eh? Also, people with no sense of humor will get you every time.
Is there a set of curriculum standards where you teach, Fay? I'm just wondering because I'm pretty sure "teach about the Holocaust, talk about Anne Frank" is mandated by the Board of Education in, like, fourth grade over here.
Also, I'd like to say about last night that it was briefly very scary, and then utterly hilarious. I actually don't think I've laughed that much in a very long time, in the relief-from-panic way. Four attractive police officers tramping through our house at 2:30 in the morning, and I'm standing there holding my cat (because the cops left our door open) thinking, oh dear, I would have neatened up a bit if I'd known. How's my hair? One of them actually thanked me on the way out. For what? I dunno. Protecting them from the cat, maybe?
I did feel really awful for vw, though, both for the utter panic and also because it'll be a while before she stops being nervous, since her bed is about six inches from that window. I have a bed far from my windows, but then I have the big room.
ETA: Also, my father should be in Cairo right now!
{{{Aimée}}} I hope you get everything worked out to your advantage!
{{{vw}}} Also, your neighbor is an idiot.
Congratulations DebetEsse!
Happy Anniversary, JZ and Hec!
I am trying to decide whether I should do laundry today or tomorrow. I have enough clothes for work so I'm not desperate (yet) and the idea of actaully putting on clothes besides my pajamas to go to the laundromat is unappealing. Weekends should be about relaxing, right?
OMG! Really? Here? Now?
...I feel like I should dash off and ply him with sheesha and mint tea, or something. Damn. Any idea where abouts he is? Just out of curiousity? Hope he gets to at least go on a faluka on the river, and maybe swing by the pyramids. TOTALLY worth going for coffee/lunch at the Khan El Khaleili restaurant upstairs in the
Mena House
hotel. If it were any closer to the pyramids, it would be under them. You can sip your coffee and stare out of the window going "Oh. My. God." It's very cool.
Re: curriculum - teaching about people's lives post 1930
part of the National Curriculum, and the topic of
Children's lives in WWII
is one of the government-approved schemes of work. Now, I don't know what the Egyptian Government's take on that is - in plenty of bits of the Middle East you wouldn't be allowed to teach it, end of story.
Egad, Fay.
You have parents who are objecting because you aren't teaching HATRED? Bad Fay! Bad!
Sadly, the same attitude exists over here.
To hate all the people your relatives hate
You've got to be carefully taught....
Fay, he's doing some consulting work for some new university they're building, I guess, but I'm not sure where he's staying. He's been doing these trips off and on for several years, so he's seen the pyramids and all (actually, I have pictures of him on a mule in front of them).
Oooh! Is it the British University in Cairo? Is it? That'd be very exciting!
(...if it were for a
rather than a Uni,
it might even be my future employers...)