That Lord of the Penguins story is being reported by Slashdot as "a giant penguin has been moved into a Japanese zoo, and all the other residents worship it as their lord and master."
Slashdot is 100% foolsy today. "Yahoo! and Google merge into YaGooHoo!gle"
Connie -- I *just* posted that link in Natter! Swear to god.
Heh. I did, and I was thisclose to posting "See my post in Bitches."
One day, at Wizards of the Coast, 2 middling-high managerial folk walked around before work and changed everyone's Macs to have the .wav of Homer going "d'oh!" 32 times as the startup sound.
An exciting April 1st that was, yes indeedy. Blood almost flowed. :)
Are the manager touch-typists who don't need to see the keys?
Someone once switched my mouse buttons on me, but they were deeply disappointed when I just sighed and used the keyboard shortcuts to get into the Control Panel to fix it.
The April Fools gnomes were busy last night putting people's family pictures on other people's desks. People were wandering around all day finding their stuff. I'm pleased to learn that the people who did it--who have been revealed--fear me enough to leave my stuff be.
Are the manager touch-typists who don't need to see the keys?
Nope. Hunt and peck.
And not computer savvy. For instance, my boss once called our help desk cause she made her tool bar disapear and couldn't get it back.
She even rebooted.
WTF? 2.5 hours later and it's me again?