Cashmere, who's taking care of the baby? How long will you be in Phoenix?
We're spreading around the kid with my sisters and Christopher's parents. That way, nobody gets too sleep deprived or tired. I have a feeling all this upheaval will screw his sleeping through the night well after we return home. We should be back home next Thursday. We fly into Phoenix Sunday afternoon (yay erika visit!) and fly out Wednesday. Collect the kid and drive back home Thursday.
My paper is going to be TOO long. I'm already about half-way through the page-limit, and I've only discussed one study. I have four studies to discuss. We're gonna be cutting machines later.
Too cute: [link]
Sure, it won't fit until 2006, but still!
I poke the *cats* to make sure they're alive.
I do that to my old cat. He doesn't appreciate it. "I'm making sure you're still alive, you toothless old git." "I'll remember that at 2 AM this morning."
I'll wake the dog up sometimes when she's too still. Once I actually
her. In a studio apartment. She's near a hundred pounds, too, not the kind of dog who could fit into a drawer. Total panic. I finally found her curled up way in the back of the closet behind the laundry basket.
So yesterday an employee brought his child in because he'd (the employee) had scheduled a meeting. He brought is child because the boy has pink eye and was kicked out of daycare. His son ran around touching everything and we ran around spraying whatever he touched with Lysol.
OMG. In-appropriate! Though, maybe I'm wrong. I get worked over with guilt if I come in with a sniffle, but I have no parental perspective. But to me, I think: In-appropriate!
I poke my cat, just to be sure. She's 16 so I worry at times. Occasionally she doesn't repsond fast enough so I poke her again. I usually end with her looking at me with this "the hell? Sleeping here!" look on her face.
Bringing sick kids in is inappropriate, if they've got something that's can be passed along. It's also reckless and irresponsible.
Also cute: [link]
Yellow Jackets are a type of hornet. When they sting, they don't die so that they can sting and sting again. They tend to be testier than honey bees which can only sting once after which they die.
Does this help? Or have you already answered the bee question?
ION, Stella McCartney is designing a collection for H&M. Apparently, the last time H&M had a big-name designer do something for them women fought over the items like cartoon women from the 1950s.
We're spreading around the kid with my sisters and Christopher's parents. That way, nobody gets too sleep deprived or tired. I have a feeling all this upheaval will screw his sleeping through the night well after we return home. We should be back home next Thursday. We fly into Phoenix Sunday afternoon (yay erika visit!) and fly out Wednesday. Collect the kid and drive back home Thursday.
Are you nervous about leaving him?
Sure, it won't fit until 2006, but still!
Yeah, but it'll probably fit in January of 2006. I know she's wee, but I saw your lj entry about how quickly she's gained weight. After a while, the clothes sizes are meaningless. That is Adorable (!!!), but I think I wouldn't buy it, because it is so summer-y, and there's a distinct possibility, it's probably even a probability, that it won't fit next summer.
However, my supervisor is at home with pink eye. It doesn't look like anyone else has contracted it and we sprayed everything down again. If we don't have any symptoms by now does it mean we don't have it or could there be a chance it could show up later today.
You probably don't have it, but make sure you keep your hands away from your eyes, and wash them a lot today, and when you get home, tonight. I would think by Monday, you'd be safe, because the germs would/ought to die out over the weekend. I can't believe he brought in a kid with pinkeye. Is management at your place unreasonable to the extent that they wouldn't understand this person missing a meeting because of a sick child?