Deena, have you googled for proofing marks? I can't find my cheat sheet, or I'd look it up for you.
Sigh. I used to know them.
Gah. Have I mentioned at all how completely terror-filled I am at even the thought of anything happening to my kid? I managed to have a night of anxiety insomnia two days ago, where I didn't go to bed until *Paul was up to go to work* on account of a sudden terror of SIDS. Seriously. After her 5am feed, I had to have him go and get her ready to go back down in the other room so that I could fall asleep.
Does it get better? I mean, it's just... well, frankly, I didn't know it was possible to love something or someone this much, and it's scary and shit.
A meara, partially to reply to meara:
Ooh, really? I think I've seen it [Barenjager] at the liquor store and wondered if it was good.
It is so very delicious...
Back to the boobies...
I keep reading about y'all who are like "I got these overnight", and remembering in 7th and 8th grade (and 9th, and...) when I kept waiting for that to happen, and finally had to say "Wait, you mean this is all I get? WTF???"
I went from totally and completely flat-chested - seriously, *totally* - to pretty much having the boobs I have today (well, the perk isn't quite what it used to be) in my senior year and in the span of maybe months. Late developing isn't even the phrase at that point. It was like I looked down and, boom, "wha?!?!?!?!?! where'd those come from?"
However, props to those that make bras (go team demi) because most any of them can give me cleavage that can hold beverages for me. Well, as long as they aren't too cold. That feels funny.
the local news crews had a bet going on when the first triple-digit day would be
Where are you in Az, WindSparrow? I know I knew once but I have disrecalled.
The BF once was walking down a street downtown in broad daylight and a car screeched to a halt and they threw a dead body out onto the sidewalk and sped off. There were several people around but everyone was looking at the body
It was, to me, amazing what I did and did not remember when seeing Something Shocking in Crime. When DebetEsse, billytea and I saw the end of an armed robbery? I could describe the gun. Cause I saw the gun. I think there was a person attached. Likely there was a person. I couldn't tell you a thing about the alleged person though. I did, however, give a good description of the gun.
Only other crime I was ever around was when the ex's dad robbed banks. And I didn't know about that until he had been arrested. The aftermath was really disturbing to me.
it's definitely a work in progress, content-wise, but I firmly believe image is everything.
It's lovely Raquel. I read through most of it and bookmarked it for later.
sj, I am glad James is doing well...
I can now explain why I've been growling "I hate my job" all week.
Oh Betsy, I am so sorry. That just sucks beyond the telling. Even with the time and a half.
Hey editorial type people, what might a capitalized and underlined N mean in proofing marks? I'm stumped.
{{{Plei}}} I am so sorry you have been having so much anxiety. I just think about how worried I have been over my nephew, and I realize I can't even imagine how much more intense those feelings must be for a parent. I hope the anxiety lessens at least a bit soon.
Deena, was the "n" already there? in lower case? Cause the underline often just means to cap the letter in question. I have had editors who will just write the letter capped and underline it. I get lazy proofing and have noted it that way...
t tackletickles cassiepants
If the insomnia/anxiety keeps up, talk to someone about it. A certain level of anxiety is normal (I
make sure Annabel is breathing if she sleeps longer than normal or just seems unusually still), but if it keeps you awake thinking about it night after night, I think that's one of the things they consider a warning sign of PPD.
But in general, it does get easier. They get larger and more robust, while you get more experienced and confident as a parent.
Hi Trudes!
sj, I am good. Tired but good. Weirdly I haven't been sleeping all that great but damn if I am not awake before my alarm every single day. I suspect were it not for said alarm and the having to go to work that follows though that I would fall back asleep for several hours. I have high hopes tonight though. With an Ambien chaser in a little less than half an hour.
Sorry you haven't been sleeping well, Cass. Much sleep~ma to you tonight. I am going to attempt to get some sleep now. Night, everyone.
DUDE! A friend of mine just showed up on Conan!
Well, acquaintance. Still cool.
sj, so happy to hear the nephew is doing well