Oh, good grief, Steph. I know those kind of people, though. Good for your boss! I think I like him. I'm glad you got to go see him. I'm sure it meant a lot to him, and was probably good for you too.
In memememe, I need some help with something. Would you guys mind if I posted about the work that is going in my creative writing portfolio? I need to come up with a title for it, that threads through all of the pieces, and I'm just coming up blank. I won't post the work ('cause that would take like 30 posts)...I'll just post short summaries on each piece.
Egad, Teppy. There are places to talk to people about the churches they belong to. Standing around a third person's hospital bed isn't one of them.
I like your Big!Boss more than I expect to.
What, God hates everybody in Pennsylvania now?
All this talk of murder and mayhem - it's making me feel
safer about living in Foreign Parts. I mean, I feel a lot safer here than I did in London from the point of view of random mugging/murder/rape what have you, and only marginally more nervous about terrorism. So that's good.
Today my kids had The Best Maths Lesson ever. We made peppermint creams. (We're doing weights and measures this week.) I had 20 kids in various stages of coated-in-sugar who were just incredulous at being allowed to spend their maths lesson making stuff
that they could eat!!!
For homework we're practicing Following Instructions (Instructional texts being one of our literacy topics)
weights and measures: they're making 'chocolate huffpuffs'. Bless. Go team kids.
I wish I'd had Fay as my teacher. Chocolate was never involved in my maths, damnit.
What, God hates everybody in Pennsylvania now?
Just the people who don't vote republican.
I don't know what peppermint creams or chocolate huffpuffs are but I want some. Now.
My point is, he said "That's a blue state, isn't it?" as if you shouldn't patronize any blue-state business, Christian-owned or not.
Steph, you should move to Seattle just so you can join Saint Marks, because it's awesome.
Raquel did look far too attractive to have just given birth. Curse her!
I need to strap the baby in the carseat so that I can shower. Right now, I'm totally seeing the appeal of the baby papasans, and am planning on getting one posthaste, as I lack a place to set the baby in a semi-upright position while I Do Stuff.