Yay! I would give you time to get settled in, of course, and myself time to do the same, but maybe some weekend in late May or early June?
That'd work. I need to figure out when the window people are coming to install the new ones, but I think that's more like mid-May.
Cool. Once we get through our respective Aprils, I'll email you about it.
Ow. From the it only happens to me category: Ozzie the cat jumped onto the sofa I am lying on and bumped my arm, hard, just as I was reaching to adjust my glasses, and I scratched myself in my nose.
(Yes, I do mean in and not on).
(It's bleeding too)
Cats frequently lead to bleeding.
I kept a diary in dwarf-runes when I was 16.
I don't know if this is better or worse, but when I was in high school, I made up my own alphabet. I still use it. In fact, I used it yesterday to work through some D&D thoughts during an uninspiring office meeting.
Avoid Teen Wolf.
Yeah, go straight to the cinematic gold that is
Teen Wolf Too.
I read that "pre-Cheney" legends as being pre-DICK Cheney ... and while I wouldn't be surprised if he sprouted fangs, his behaviour seems to be consistent regardless of the phase of the moon.
Would it be wrong to say I would be ok with him being a werewolf? Or, more precisely, that he was indulging in a diet high in fatty red meat?
I want Perkins to go to Seattle for July 4th weekend, 'cuz that's when I'll be there, and the DH will be playing stoopid ultimate, and I will need entertainment.
I was reaching to adjust my glasses, and I scratched myself in my nose.
Umm, why are you keeping your glasses in your nose today?