I'm a small C and just had to take the pencil test because I honestly couldn't remember if I passed it. And then I couldn't figure out if "passing" mean that I
hold the pencil (hence bigger boobs) or
(hence perkier boobs).
ETA: Eddie--this is Bitches. Books and dildos, my friend. And sometimes God.
I think it's as much a factor of whether the pencil will fall, plus the position of the nipple on the boob. My cousin had downward pointing nipples, even when her boobs were perky, they didn't look perky because of the nipple position.
::joins along with the pencil test::
Is it good if you can hold it in your buttcheeks?
Oh I have good nipple position, but the pencil still doesn't fall. So maybe my boobs look perkier than they actually are?
So maybe my boobs look perkier than they actually are?
Perky is as perky does. That's all I gots to say. Who cares about the damn pencil anyway? Enough times in the sharpener and the point is moot.
Oh I have good nipple position, but the pencil still doesn't fall. So maybe my boobs look perkier than they actually are?
::glowers with pure envy::
Seriously, the only plastic surgery I've ever considered is a boob lift. Go team perkification! (Hell, I mean, it's not like we're going to have more than the one kid, and the girls would look so much better with a little bit of a nip and tuck.)
But Plei, mine will never do a corset proud the way yours and Vortex's (and other Bitches') do!
I'm just not fully respectful of the pencil test as the arbiter of bralessness
Well I basically learned the law so I could flaunt it but I still show honor to those that pass the test. I mean, honestly, defiant nipples are more of an issue in a tank top and mine are often well-behaved. Also shelf-bra tanks are worthy of being canonized for me, as they are wonderful beyond words sometimes.
W/scotch, it's a good sub for Drambuie.
This explains the yummy... I honestly never realized it. I think it is something that shall always live in the lurksome depths of my liquor cabinet. And, in my mind, it is the Plei liquor. Or Plei/Honey but that leads to stories I am not sure I am prepared to write...
the purple of the chairs is darker. I see them in Jilli's house. they were pretty comfortable.
They are purty...