I e-mailed my old boss to give her an update about the interview. This was her response:
Glad to hear it went well. You are so good with people that I'm confident you left a good impression. I will keep my fingers crossed!
I'm good with people! Who knew?
Someone explain to me where this sudden craving for a shimmery antique gold eyeshadow or creamy liner came from?
Where it came from? I suspect under the couch.
(What? You asked!)
t /smart-ass
Aimee, pppfffffttttbbbbb. Don't tell me you weren't thinking of it.
Owen was dancing to "Itty Bitty Bug Song" on Maisy. I'm turning him into a complete tv addict.
Is my Emily still around?
Where it came from? I suspect under the couch.
(What? You asked!)
So if I look under the couch, will I find a container of shimmery antique gold eyeshadow? Or does the Craving Monster live under there, bereft of shiny things?
Someone explain to me where this sudden craving for a shimmery antique gold eyeshadow or creamy liner came from? I've never worn that color in my life, but now I want it. I sense browsing in the cosmetics aisle in my future.
I think Stila has one in the Smudge Pots. Might be Sephora exclusive.
Or, umm, I could check my stock and see what I've got around. Not that I'd have a bunch of antique gold makeup, no, not me...