I'm really pissed off. My boss is not the most together guy ever, and I work really hard keeping a lot of balls in the air, not to mention some skills that would be hard to find at my salary. I'm checking the emails today (and I have to check them all) and I see this.
Talked to the other that lives in my house, we decided that if your secretary leaves I'll take the job. I've started back trying to get some secretarial work on the side. Did that years a few years ago. Just to bring in something extra until things get paid for. Still going to push my books and new ebooks but that can take time.
How did the talk go with your current person? Did she change her attitude? Better or worse?
Now yesterday things got a little tense. I worked (from home) all weekend- Friday night and Saturday. And when I came in it was bitch bitch bitch, or rather snipe snipe snipe. I'd been frustrated for a while- not least because I've asked for 30 minutes in the morning to check emails and get a schedule for the day put together before he comes in with "Oh and we need to..." "Sometime could you..." "You need to ..."
So very angry.
Good luck to the bug that could!
hoo boy, Heather. That SUCKS.
That sucks so much, I'm posting about it twice. You should print out the email for him and hand it over pointedly.
Oh my goodness, Heather. I'm not even sure what the proper response oughta be, other than righteous indignation. Er, if I'm reading that all right, i.e. that you're the "current person" in question.
There aren't words. There is smacking. But there are not words.
Heather--what an ass! Especially, it seems to me, to be ragging on you in a forum that he knows it's your responsibility to read. Has that situation ever created awkwardness or weirdness for you before, reading things that he may not have wanted you to see?
Wow, Heather. I'm not sure what you should do. Is it an option to make it clear to your boss that you have no plans to leave (and you don't know how he could have gotten that idea)?
It must really grate to read about a supposed attitude problem. Since no one is in my office at the moment, I'm going to scream in frustration for you, and bang my desk with my fist for good measure.
Heather, that's blows. I'm sorry. Think happy thoughts about next week!
Yup. I'd be the current person with the bad attitude who works on her days off, put together a really cool booklet for presentations, write pretty much every thing with just a "Say something like, you know, what we do and those kinds of things."
Yesterday he was all "mistakes, it's these kinds of mistakes" which would be fine if he'd just once look at what he's asking and realize that it's a lot with little to no direction.
It's like at the show last month. He's saying it will take no time to get everything packed and ready to go because we have like 4 or 5 guys helping. But it is taking forever because he's not supervising, or telling people what he wants, and when they take initiative, he yells that they're doing it wrong and in too much of a hurry to get out of there.
That pretty much sums up my work day, but with less packing and more paperwork.